Blog Bike and Park's mission is to inspire people to ride
bicycles for the benefit of one's health, spirit, and planet.

Starting Healthy Commuting Habits Young - Walking and Cycling to School

Posted by: Bike Admin on October 04, 2012

Here at Bike and Park we often focus on helping adults love their commute, but it is important to remember that, much like dietary habits, commuting habits start to form at a young age.

In 1969, nearly 50% of children in the US walked to school; today approximately 13% of American kids walk to school.  Meanwhile the number of kids in the US that are overweight or obese has tripled.  Add to it the fact that 25% of morning traffic is created by parents dropping their children off at school and we have an even larger problem on our hands.

Check out this video from the New Jersey Chapter of the Safe Routes To School on "Things Parents Say (when you ask why they won't let their kids walk or bike to school.....)"

Please follow this link to view the video:

Remeber, studies have show that children who are physically active have improved mood and concentration, a stronger self-image, and more self-confidence.

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