Many cycling accidents can be avoided by following some basic safety rules.
1. Follow the Rules of the Road
- Ride with traffic and obey the same laws as motorists.
- Use the rightmost lane that heads in the direction that you are traveling.
- Obey all traffic control devices, such as stop signs, lights, and lane markings.
- Always look back and use hand and arm signals to indicate your intention to stop, merge or turn.
2. Be Visible
- Ride where drivers can see you.
- Wear brightly colored clothing at all times.
- At night, use a white front light and red rear light or reflector. Wear reflective tape or clothing.
3. Be Predictable
- Ride in a straight line and don’t swerve between parked cars.
- Make eye contact with motorists to let them know you are there.
- Do not ride on the sidewalk.
4. Anticipate Conflicts
- Be aware of traffic around you and be prepared to take evasive action
- Learn braking and turning techniques to avoid crashes.
- Be extra alert at intersections.
5. Wear a Helmet
- Make sure that the helmet fits on top of your head, not tipped back or forward.
- After a crash or any impact that affects your helmet, visible or not, replace it immediately.
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